Contact a member of our Career Services team:

“Serving students and alumni through holistic career education and professional development”
Piedmont University Career Services helps students and alumni find and prepare for a meaningful career. Our services are designed to serve students at every level.
Looking for a job on campus? LionLink is Piedmont University's all-in-one platform for student success. Within this resource, students can search and apply for jobs, schedule appointments, take assessments, create a profile and engage in online video learning. Click the button below to get started!
Appointment Types
- Resume Writing: Resume writing appointments are designed to help students learn more about resume formatting, wordsmithing, and employer expectations.
- Cover Letter Writing: During this appointment, the counselor will discuss what employers are looking for in a cover letter and how to make one stand out.
- Interviewing: Students can learn the tips and tricks to ace your interview during this appointment. They will practice and answer questions while discussing strategies to help organize experiences. Students can also schedule this appointment to conduct a practice mock interview.
- Choosing a Major/Career: This appointment type is designed to help students discuss their major and career options at Piedmont University and beyond.
- Assessment Interpretation: Students should schedule this appointment to take career exploration assessments and have them interpreted in session. This appointment is perfect for undecided or exploring students who are trying to find a major that is right for them.
- Graduate School Discussion: If a student is considering graduate school, this appointment is for them. Together with the counselor, students will discuss if graduate school is good option for their career goals and the steps they will need take to apply.
- Job & Internship Search: This appointment type is designed for students seeking guidance on job and internship searching. Students will learn more about where to search for a position, what to look for, and how to ensure their application materials will wow the recruiter.
- LionLink: LionLink is Piedmont University's all-in-one platform for student success. Within this resource, students can search and apply for jobs, schedule appointments, take assessments, create a profile and engage in online video learning.
Employer Partnership Options
Funds collected through the Piedmont University Employer Partnership Program help to support student Career Expeditions in Georgia and throughout the United States as well as Career Service operations such as assessments for student major exploration, career resources, and student grants. Thank you for your support of Piedmont University and student learning opportunities.
Piedmont Partner Program
Employers who take advantage of the Piedmont Partner Program get special access to Piedmont University student talent and unique services designed to increase recruitment results and their visibility on campus. Piedmont Partners receive the following services:
- Reserved Tabling Space once each semester in the Student Commons
- Scheduled information session or networking event in the Student Commons with light refreshments
- Targeted marketing in the weekly student newsletter for two weeks prior to recruitment visit/event
- Introductions to key faculty and administrative staff to connect with student leaders
- Classroom presentation scheduling (if available)
- Targeted emails to a limited number of majors on your behalf through-out the year
- Office space allocated for recruiting day or on-campus interviews
- On-Campus interview day with marketing and scheduling support
- Access to annual Piedmont University Resume Book
On-Campus Recruitment Options
- Reserved Tabling Space in the Student Commons
- Information Session with A/V Access in Student Commons
- Lunch or Dinner vouchers at Commons Cafeteria for two recruiters
- Targeted Email Marketing two weeks prior to event
- On-Campus Interviews
- Office space allocated for up to two recruiters
- Interview Scheduling Support
- Targeted Email Marketing
- Networking Event for up to 25 students with beverage station, set-up and email marketing
Post Job Vacancies
This is your FREE opportunity to post any vacant positions to our online job and internship database. This database is available to Piedmont University students and alumni only.
1. Create an account
2. Click on the “my schools” tab
3. Request a connection with Piedmont University
Once you see an email confirming your connection to a school you have requested access to, you will then be able to select that school and post a job.
To post:
1. Click on the “add a job” tab
2. Select Piedmont University
3. Enter the job information
Should you have questions or need assistance posting, please contact Lisa Mann, Director of Career Education & Professional Development.
Host Piedmont Students
If you would be interested in hosting Piedmont Students at your business for a tour, information session, or job shadowing opportunity please contact Lisa Mann.
If you are interested in co-presenting with the Director of Career Education & Professional Development during a student presentation, please contact Lisa Mann, Director of Career Education & Professional Development.
Connect With Us

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the Internet with millions of members worldwide. LinkedIn connects you to your trusted contacts and helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals. For a video introduction on how to get started with LinkedIn click here.
The LinkedIn Alumni Directory allows members to search for alumni from Piedmont University. Access the LinkedIn Alumni Directory. This site is not affiliated with PC but it is a great networking tool for Piedmont alumni and students on LinkedIn.
Join the Piedmont University Alumni LinkedIn Group!
How to Search:
• Members of LinkedIn can search the LinkedIn Alumni Directory.
• Use the interactive graphs to search by “Where they live,” “Where they work” or “What they do.” If you click on the arrow on the right side of the page you can also explore alumni careers based on “What they studied,” “What they’re skilled at,” and “How you are connected” on LinkedIn.
• Click on “See More” below each category to expand the search options.
• Use the magnifying glass icon under each category to search a specific area, company, major or skill.
• Once you have selected your search criteria the alumni profiles are listed at the bottom of the page for you to connect with via LinkedIn.
Additional Resources:
LinkedIn Blog: Start mapping your career with LinkedIn Alumni
LinkedIn Blog: The best way to Network with Alumni on LinkedIn
LinkedIn Video: What is LinkedIn?