This program
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• First-time college students, transfers, or non-traditional students
• Residential students at our main campus or commuters.
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Undergraduate Admissions
P: 706-776-0103
Real world experiences await you.
Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree program in Special Education General Curriculum prepares candidates to teach students with mild disabilities in grades PK – 12 and leads to Georgia teaching certification.
The Special Education BA program combines course work and field experiences, culminating in a full-time teaching internship. Experienced faculty and educators in local schools work collaboratively to provide candidates with the knowledge, cutting-edge strategies, and real-world experiences that prepare them to teach students with disabilities in today’s classrooms.
Our teacher candidates progress through a sequence of courses related to teaching academics to students with disabilities, special education policy and law, and specialized behavior intervention techniques. To enhance their marketability, candidates may also elect to complete Piedmont’s Autism Education Endorsement or a Gifted Education Endorsement.
Candidates must apply for and be admitted to Teacher Education, complete the Piedmont Pedagogical Portfolio, and pass the Special Education General Curriculum Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) content exams in their chosen content field.
Dual degree option. Some students interested in special education may opt to work toward the BA degree and then continue at Piedmont to obtain the Master of Arts degree in special education or another field of education.
What classes will I take?
ENGL 1101, Rhetoric and Composition (3)
HIST 2212, Pivotal Moments in Recent U.S. History (3)
POSC 1101, American Government (3)
MATH 1600, Mathematics for Teachers (3)
MCOM 1101, Public Speaking (3-4)
ENGL 1102, Literature and Composition (3)
General Education Humanities Elective (3)
General Education Fine Arts Elective (3)
General Education Ethical Reasoning Elective (3)
SPAN 1101, Modern Language (3)
GRMN 1101, Modern Language (3)
JPNS 1101, Modern Language (3)
FREN 1101, Modern Language (3)
MATH 1000, Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (3)
MATH 1300, Elementary Statistics (3)
SPAN 1102, Modern Language II (3)
GRMN 1102, Modern Language II (3)
JPNS 1102, Modern Language II (3)
FREN 1102, Modern Language II (3)
BIOL 1101, General Biology I (4)
CHEM 1101, General Chemistry I (4)
GEOL 1101, Physical Geology (4)
PHYS 1011, Physical Science I (4)
PSYC 1101, General Psychology (3)
SOCI 1101, Intro to Sociology (3)
BIOL 1102, General Biology II (3)
CHEM 1102, General Chemistry II (3)
GEOL 1102, Historical Geology (3)
PHYS 1012, Physical Science II (4)
Total Credit Hours: 46
EDUC 2000, Introduction to Professional Practice (3)
EDEM 3331, Reading Methods (3)
EDUC 2250, Media and Technology for Teachers (3)
EDUC 3307, Learning and Cognition (3)
EDUC 4497, Classroom Management (3)
PSYC 2240, Psychology of Childhood and Early Adolescence (3)
PSYC 2290, Human Growth and Development (3)
EDEC/EDMG/EDSE 3332, Language Arts Methods (3)
EDEC/EDMG/EDSE 3334, Social Studies Methods (3)
EDEC/EDMG/EDSE 3335, Science Methods (3)
EDEC/EDMG/EDSE 3336, Math Methods (3)
Total Credit Hours: 30
EDUC 3355, Exceptional Children (3)
EDUC 3356, Introduction to Dyslexia (3)
SPED 3331, Teaching Reading for Students with Disabilities (3)
SPED 3305, Special Education Policy and Law (3)
SPED 4495, Assessment for Special Educators (3)
SPED 3332, Teaching Writing for Students with Disabilities (3)
SPED XXXX, Special Education Internship I (3)
SPED 4498, Classroom Management for Special Educators (3)
SPED 3333, Teaching STEM for Students with Disabilities (3)
SPED 3336, Healthcare for Students with Special Needs (3)
SPED XXXX, Special Education Internship II (3)
SPED XXXX, Special Education Internship III (9)
Total Credit Hours: 45
Our graduates are impacting the world.
What can I do with a Special Education degree?
Most special education teachers work in public schools, teaching students from preschool to high school. Demand for special education services and teachers should rise as students with special needs are being identified earlier in life.

Where do I start?
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