Welcome to the Student Commons, the heart of Piedmont's student life! The Commons includes Campus Dining, Starbucks/On-The-Go Cafe, Fitness Center, Bookstore and Student Services, such as Residence Life and Student Organization Offices. The Commons features a Rock Climbing Wall, Indoor Track & Gym, and Racquetball Court.
Dining Hall* | Monday-Thursday 7:15-9:15am 10:45am-1:45pm 4:30-8pm Friday 7:15-9:15am 10:45am-1:45pm 4:30-7:30pm | Saturday-Sunday 10:30 am-2pm 4:30-7:30pm |
Starbucks/The Market | Monday-Thursday 7am-9pm Friday 7am-3pm | Saturday Closed Sunday 5-9pm |
Fitness Center* | Monday-Friday 7am-10:30pm | Saturday-Sunday 11am-9pm |
Bookstore | Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm Friday 8am-3pm | Saturday-Sunday CLOSED |
Rock Wall | Monday-Thursday TBD | Friday-Sunday TBD |
*Regular Hours August – May when classes are in session

Learn about Student Dining options, hours and locations!
Starbucks/The Market
Starbucks/On-The-Go has coffee, sandwiches and salads, snacks and so much more! Stop in and grab a quick bite to go.

The Bookstore is located in the Commons across from the Dining Hall, and has all your textbooks, supplies and official Piedmont University apparel!
The Fitness Center is located inside the Student Commons. Come join in the fun and participate in any of the classes and groups!

Rock Wall
Another great amenity of the Student Commons is our rock-climbing wall! Come strap on a harness and try to see if you can make it all the way to the top!
Gym & Indoor Track
A full-sized basketball court and indoor track is housed in the Commons! Join in the intramural fun, jog around the track, or enjoy playing racquetball in an official racquetball court!