This program
Best fit for:
• First-time college students or transfers
• Students 18-22
• Residential students at our main campus
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Undergraduate Admissions
P: 706-776-0103
Understanding the human experience.
The study of history leads to the understanding and appreciation of the heritage of humans. History majors improve their knowledge of historical information, learn to think critically about historical events and improve their reading and writing abilities. They will learn in a variety of settings, including classrooms, museums, and historical sites.
Not only do history majors work in venues such as colleges and universities, legal firms, museums, and historical societies, they may choose to complete the History Education major at Piedmont University after consulting with their History advisor.
Majors in History and History Education may participate in visits to historical sites in the Southeast and locally as well as history-related exhibits in Atlanta.
Additionally, Maymester trips offer unique opportunities for travel to national and international historical sites. Internships are options that can enhance students’ academic experience and future professional prospects. Standard internship options are available as well as those discovered and developed by students.
Nearing the end of the program, students enrolled in relevant courses design their own research studies on topics of special interest to them.
What classes will I take?
HIST 1111. World History to the mid-17th century
HIST 1112. World History since the mid-17th century
HIST 2212. History of the U.S. Since 1912
HIST 2280. Introduction to Historiography
HIST 4480. Historiography
POSC 1101. American government
Six additional upper division (3000-4000) courses in history.
Prepare to Make a Life
What can I do with a major in HISTORY?
Piedmont students have gone on to pursue careers in:
- Archival manager
- Genealogist
- Historical preservation
- Museum curator
- Historic site interpreter
- Historic site supervisor
- Consultant
- Researcher
- Government
- Educational administration
- History teacher
- Social Studies teacher
Where do I start?
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